format_quote 今年的一月中旬我們搬進新居了! 由於我們居住的是老牌屋苑,樓齡接近三十年,所以要裝修的地方非常多而且複雜。感謝Centro 團隊的幫助,由設計以至實際施工都非常專業及細心。只是在計劃以外的是去年社會運動及國內封關事宜,使得工程要延遲,但Centro 總為我們設想,改變施工程序盡量追趕原來的時間表。 現時家中以黑、白、灰色為主色設計。感覺不單時尚,還多了份活潑的氣氛。另外、燈光佈局小巧精緻,除了保持原來高樓底的格局,晚上由燈槽射下來的燈光更顯柔和。廚房是開放式而且留有一黑板,可以隨時繪畫並加潻烹調時的樂趣。 Centro 的傢俱用料上乘,我們定造的睡床,衣櫃及儲物櫃都很滿意。門的款式、衣櫃門較以及床板升降機關等,都使我們覺得物有所值。 今年在疫情的攻擊下,少了外出而多了在家的時間。但我們不會覺得日子漫長,實在很享受現在的居住環境!
format_quote I’m writing this letter to thank you for such a lovely interior decorating my house so charmingly. I love the service of your whole team especially the quality of the furniture and promptly response. The sales ( Ah Bo ) who is a good listener and accommodating, she arrange a suitable designer to me. For my designer Jerry, he provides promptly and helpful advice in the whole design work. He is patience in response my inquiry. All furnitures size were perfectly fit. For the after service, even though, there is very little blemishes. He arranged repair immediately.

Besides, the team of delivery and installation were excellent, they are gentle and polite. They completed their work efficiently. I would definitely recommend your company to my friends. Next week, the cupboards of kitchen will be delivery. Cannot wait to see it. Once again I wanted to thank you for all the good work. And may your business boom and grow with success.


Ho Lam, Mak

Contract no. 222AXXXXXXX
H* L**, Mak
format_quote CENTRO傢俬設計時尚優雅;用料非常耐用;手工精緻,我們已是第二次選用CENTRO的訂製傢俬,家人對CENTRO的傢俬讚口不絕,生活其中,每一天都是享受。
Sze S** Y**
format_quote 設計師Seiko滿足我們所有要求及色調配搭自然舒適,完成後有喜出望外的感覺,直得一讚
Sandy Chow
format_quote 自己設計鞋櫃,加內設拉合枱面。
Patty Ng
format_quote 今年的一月中旬我們搬進新居了! 由於我們居住的是老牌屋苑,樓齡接近三十年,所以要裝修的地方非常多而且複雜。感謝Centro 團隊的幫助,由設計以至實際施工都非常專業及細心。只是在計劃以外的是去年社會運動及國內封關事宜,使得工程要延遲,但Centro 總為我們設想,改變施工程序盡量追趕原來的時間表。 現時家中以黑、白、灰色為主色設計。感覺不單時尚,還多了份活潑的氣氛。另外、燈光佈局小巧精緻,除了保持原來高樓底的格局,晚上由燈槽射下來的燈光更顯柔和。廚房是開放式而且留有一黑板,可以隨時繪畫並加潻烹調時的樂趣。 Centro 的傢俱用料上乘,我們定造的睡床,衣櫃及儲物櫃都很滿意。門的款式、衣櫃門較以及床板升降機關等,都使我們覺得物有所值。 今年在疫情的攻擊下,少了外出而多了在家的時間。但我們不會覺得日子漫長,實在很享受現在的居住環境!
format_quote I am writing to express my appreciation to designer Carson Cheung. Carson is a professional, caring and customer oriented designer, he always response very quickly and follow up my enquiry and problem proactively. During the time of my home renovation, he not even helped me in my furniture design, but also provided advise to help me in other renovations task when I encounter problem. He is a good listener and always willing to help (我簡直係我精神上嘅支柱, 又好傾,又為客諗好多野) I am very satisfied with the furniture design which Carson designed for me, it suit my needs and expectation. He not only supports me in design, he even helped along the aftersales service co-ordination. I will definitely refer Carson and your company to my friends in future.
Tammy Leung
format_quote Dear staffs in Project Department,

Got your email, and noted with thanks. Would like to say a “Big Thank-you” again for all your company’s professional services during the past months.

Merry Christmas & Happy New Year
format_quote 一個星期六的下午無意路過九龍灣貴舖,只想購入一套 sofa,在資料查詢期間,有一位年青人在旁,解釋了我一連串問題
,裝飾、傢俬、設計、新屋等等,相信他是一位工程人員,原來他是一位設計師 😅,最後,當然一定要找出他幫我設計,
真的沒選錯,他做事專業認真,以客為先 服務為本的態度,令人很欣賞。
1。 3 間房設計,傢俬衣柜很完美,真材實料,很滿意。
2。 雲石枱上出現小問題,但這位設計師再次發揮,他的專業精神,幫我解決了。當然,多謝這兩位師父仔,細心執修
3。Sofa,當天為了它,行入貴舖 sofa,令人失望和不愉快,希望今次更換後,新的一套 sofa 能同 Centro 一樣
有品質有信譽的保證給予客人,令全套 3 張單寫上完美句號。
希望貴司努力跟進。最後再次多謝設計師 TENNY。
format_quote 謝謝Centro為我們新居提供設計傢俬服務, 尤其要感謝設計師Rachel Chau很用心細緻
及很好很美的設計,我們亦想多謝售貨員Philip Tong,他與Rachel無微不致的跟進令我
format_quote 本人主要想讚揚為德福花園(單號: 519-501XXX)安裝傢私的師傅團隊及其後於4/10/2019執修跟進時都十分專業, 有效率, 態度良好和認真處理我們的要求。
王太 (德福花園)


format_quote 很多謝Eva,Jasper 和 Erick 出席今天的交吉安排!

